
Everest Golf App Features

Golf Stats

Pars and hole distances pre-populated for each round

Ability to add a new courses to database

Add round with any # of holes, not just 9 or 18

Start round on any hole not just 1 or 10

Round input without internet connection

Add weather and course conditions to rounds, enabling advanced stats filtering

Basic round input with options: distance and lie

Custom round input with options: distance, lie, lie quality, slope, club, swing size, strike, start line, shape, trajectory, wind, intended target, finish location, flag location, process score, putting slope, break, miss location vs. intended

Traditional golf stats eg. GIR, Total putts, Fairways hit etc.

Strokes Gained golf stats

Advanced Strokes Gained golf stats for all options listed in custom round input

Compare your game to multiple benchmarks.

Basic filtering of rounds and stats

Advanced filtering of rounds and stats

Detailed stats for Driving, Approach Shots, Short Game and Putting

Learn what to work on - basic

Learn what to work on - specific to Driving, Approach, Short Game and Putting


Create multiple teams and invite members to teams

Create multiple teams and invite members to teams

View each team member's individual stats from inside Everest Golf App

Compare stats of team members on leaderboards

Add and delete team members for teams you created

Add email addresses of your Coach & Fans and they will be notified each time you enter a round of stats, skills challenge or shot routine.

Connect to your Coach & Fans

Golf Shot Routines

Capture your mental and physical shot routines

Learn how to improve your shot routines

Compare your shot routines against benchmarks

Get connected to a mental coach

Skills Challenges

Skills Challenges use Strokes Gained stats, so on course play can easily be compared to practice

Create your own skills challenges or use one of the pre-created skills challenges

Compete against yourself, your friends, your team or players around the world

Skills Challenges can be used on the golf course, the driving range or chipping and putting greens

Game analysis by expert Coach

Monthly zoom call

To learn more about how to use the app, visit use cases